Document services
We offer document services for South African documents. We are strategically based in Pretoria the administrative capital of the Republic. Pretoria is home to hundreds of embassies/consulates and it is the official seat of the South African government. We understand that trying to navigate the city may be an onerous task to undertake. We are here to make the process as smooth as possible. Whether you’re a South African abroad or you can’t reach the capital, we are at your service.
We offer the following services:
Legalisation (DIRCO) - Authentications, Apostilles (degrees, police clearances, TEFL etc.)
Embassy authentications & attestations
Applications - Police Clearance Cert., SAQA Letter, Visa applications, Letter of non-impediments, Umalusi Letter, Matric Re-issues, Marriage Cert., Birth Cert., Death Cert.
For other document enquiries please email us, docs@laowaiteachers.com , meetings are by appointment.